Spatial Performance Assessment for Cognitive Evaluation
I am working on a wide range of topics involving human motion at all scales. As a data scientist, I bring together Computer Science, Cognitive Science and Spatial Sciences.
Lecture by Jan Drugowitsch at Harvard University. My personal takeaway on auditing the presented content. Course overview at Biological and Artificial Intelligence A simple understanding would believe that a brain has a state has is changed via a function and input to produce a behaviour. However, the complexity of the brain makes the function…
Lecture by Tomer Ullman at Harvard University. My personal takeaway on auditing the presented content. Course overview at Biological and Artificial Intelligence The development of intuitive physics and intuitive psychology Turing proposed that an AI could be developed very much like a human – from a empty notebook or child to a developed adult.…
Lecture by Cengiz Pehlevan at Harvard University. My personal takeaway on auditing the presented content. Course overview at Biological and Artificial Intelligence Inductive bias of neural networks A brain can be understood as a network with parameters as 10^11 neurons (nodes) and 10^14 synapses (parameters. Geoffrey Hinton cleverly observed that “The brain has about…