CSD: Introduction

The course “Cognition in Studio Design – analytic tools for evidence-based design” will discuss readings of space syntax (Bafna, 2003) , navigation issues (Carlson, Hölscher, Shipley, & Dalton, 2010) as well as functions and applications of spatial cognition (Montello & Raubal, 2013) .

To compute space syntax DepthmapX will be used.


Bafna, S. (2003). Space syntax: A brief introduction to its logic and analytical techniques. Environment and Behavior, 35(1), 17–59.
Carlson, L. A., Hölscher, C., Shipley, T. F., & Dalton, R. C. (2010). Getting lost in buildings. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 19(5), 284–289.
Montello, D. R., & Raubal, M. (2013). Functions and applications of spatial cognition. In Handbook of Spatial Cognition (pp. 249–264). American Psychological Association (APA).