Tag: Boat

  • About Ujung Kulon: The final Chapter

    We arrived in Tamanjaya thinking our car would await us and we would go straight back home. Far from the truth this thought was. Our driver hadn’t arrived yet, but we didn’t worry yet. We did our business like paying for the guide and the boat and getting a free lunch – to get the…

  • About Ujung Kulon: Pulau Peucang

    The jungle we left behind us, but before we dared to get back to civilization, we chilled at the beautiful Isle of Peucang with it’s snow-white beaches. With a tiny boat we crossed the strait and got of at the complex on the Peucang Island. There is a ranger station, a tourist office, three buildings…

  • Into the Deep

    Now in the West Bali National Park we also took the great chance to snorkel near Menganjan Island. I can’t discribe the beauty, but I tried to capture it for you. Als wir im Westbali Nationalpark waren, nahmen wir auch die Chance wahr in der Nähe von der Insel Menganjan zu schnorcheln. Mir fehlen die…