Month: April 2010

  • Ujung Kulon: The Beach and the Moon

    At the first shelter we had some hours to spend at the beach which we gladly did. Silently we sit there for hours, just watching the waves and the clouds passing by. It was silent at that beach, only the surf was to be heard. Inner peace comes upon you when you’re in such a…

  • About Ujung Kulon: A Meadow

    When you walk through the jungle you expect a lot of things. But some things still astonish you. For example when you where fighting through the green with a machete just to end up standing on a vaste meadow. It seems unreal to you. But you really enjoy walking straight forward with no hinderance. But…

  • About Ujung Kulon: Walking along the beach

    Today I will tell you about a beautiful beach. It is right at the heart of Ujung Kulon, on the southcoast of Java. It is roughly 15 kilometer long, 10 being perfect sand, 5 being stones, huge rocks and sand. On our second day we walked 5 kilometer through the jungle before we reached the …

  • About Ujung Kulon: A Rainbow

    So now I will start to post for you about my trip with Tanja to Ujung Kulon. I decided not to tell it chronologically, but grouped up in themes and with an short story about it. So I begin with an beautiful rainbow that occured on the second day of our trip immediately after the…

  • 100

    This is the 100th post on my blog. I’m happy to have shared with you my experiences in Indonesia and I look forward to continue. To look at it in numbers: 8 months, 100 posts, 50 comments and about 3200 unique visitors Roughly every 2,5 days I posted a new blog entry for you Every…

  • A Note: Ujung Kulon

    You won’t hear from me for the next few days since I”m heading off to Ujung Kulon, again. But this time I”ll actually trek through it. It should need 3 days and will bring you awesome pictures . Wish me good luck and hope for me that I won’t get malaria. In den naechsten paar…

  • YCM Activities: Welcoming VIDA

    If you’re not from Australia you might wonder what is VIDA. To make a long story short, VIDA is an abbreviation for Volunteering for International Development from Australia. A governmental programm that sends Australians in the same way like the “weltwärts”-program. Well YCM itself is cooperating with VIDA and we offer an unique experience to…

  • YCM Colleagues: Stefan

    Well as you already know one of my colleagues is Stefan, like me a weltwärts-volunteer. On friday I sneaked into his classe for a while to give you an extra insight on how YCM works. Many of our students dream of operating a small business, some even do. Stefan found a wonderful article in the…

  • YCM Colleagues: A Tutor's Birthday

    Just a few days ago one of our tutors had his 24th birthday. At first we pretended, that we didn’t knew. He got more and more annoyed until we surprised him with a cake and sung him happy birthday. In the end he was really glad. Happy birthday! Vor ein paar Tagen hatte einer unserer…

  • Some Presents for YCM

    So before my mom came to visit me she told many people about her planed trip. Under these people were Erika, Gisela and Gudrun which decided to go a step further in supporting the YCM. They donated games and books via my mom to YCM. Now everybody is excited for the new working materials we…