Author: Jascha Grübel
PIE: Ex Post Evaluation: Establishing Causality without Experimentation
So far, we discussed evaluation based on ex ante Randomised Control Trials (RCT). In ex post experiments, we have an another opportunity for an evaluation. However, there are strong limitations: Treatment manipulation is no longer possible, observational data only (i.e. the outcome of social processes), and baseline may be missing To address these issues, the…
PIE: Ex Ante Evaluations: Randomised Control Trials
For a Randomised Control Trial (RCT) several elements are necessary. Evaluators need to be involved long before it ends – ideally from the conception. Randomisation must take place. The operationalisation and measurement must be defined. The data collection process and the data analysis must be performed rigorously. Randomisation and the data collection process is what…
PIE: The Fundamental Problem of Causal Inference
We evaluate policies for a multitude of reasons. On the one hand, we wish to increase our knowledge and learn about its underlying function to improve program design and effectiveness. On the other hand, considerations from economy, society, and politics are the reason behind the evaluation. This may include allocation decisions via cost-benefit analysis (economic),…
ASC: Concepts and Arguments
The evaluation of the correctness of arguments is the core of this blog post. We will focus on justifications as premises are to be evaluated with the scientific method. However, the quality of premises must be considered. Only true premises can guarantee the truth of the conclusion, so the reasons must be impeccable. Therefore, acceptable…
PE: Redistribution
The focus of today’s lecture will be on redistribution as discussed in Chapter 3(Mueller, 2003). Additionally, we will discuss papers quantitatively assessing the situation (De Haan & Sturm , 2017; Sturm & de Haan, 2015). A justification for the state can be redistribution. But redistribution itself can be argued for based on different reasons. In…