Category: Uncategorized
Neuro 140/240 – Lecture 7
Lecture by Jan Drugowitsch at Harvard University. My personal takeaway on auditing the presented content. Course overview at Biological and Artificial Intelligence A simple understanding would believe that a brain has a state has is changed via a function and input to produce a behaviour. However, the complexity of the brain makes the function…
Neuro 140/240 – Lecture 5
Lecture by Tomer Ullman at Harvard University. My personal takeaway on auditing the presented content. Course overview at Biological and Artificial Intelligence The development of intuitive physics and intuitive psychology Turing proposed that an AI could be developed very much like a human – from a empty notebook or child to a developed adult.…
Neuro 140/240 – Lecture 4
Lecture by Cengiz Pehlevan at Harvard University. My personal takeaway on auditing the presented content. Course overview at Biological and Artificial Intelligence Inductive bias of neural networks A brain can be understood as a network with parameters as 10^11 neurons (nodes) and 10^14 synapses (parameters. Geoffrey Hinton cleverly observed that “The brain has about…
Neuro 140/240 – Lecture 2
Lecture by Richard Born at Harvard University. My personal takeaway on auditing the presented content. Course overview at Biological and Artificial Intelligence Warren Weaver was the head at the Rockefeller Center in the 1950s and he said the future of engineering is to understand the tricks that nature has come up with over the…
Geometry of Big Data – Tuesday session
Session 1 – Graph-based persistence The talk On the density of expected persistence diagrams and its kernel based estimation is given by Frederic Chazal. A draft is available on arxiv. Grow circles around point data to generate a graph whenever other points meet the circle and produce a persistent homology of filtered simplicial complexes (e.g…
Geometry of Big Data – Monday session
All talks are summarised in my words which may not accurately represent the authors’ opinion. The focus is on aspects I found interesting. Please refer to the authors’ work for more details. Session 1 – Learning DAGs The talk DAGs with NO TEARS: Continuous Optimization for Structure Learning is given by Pradeep Ravikumar. A draft…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-25
New@JIndoBlog: Goodbye Indonesia: Last day at Work #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-27
5 of 5 stars to Can Asians Think? Fourth Edition by Kishore Mahbubani #
About Ujung Kulon: The final Chapter
We arrived in Tamanjaya thinking our car would await us and we would go straight back home. Far from the truth this thought was. Our driver hadn’t arrived yet, but we didn’t worry yet. We did our business like paying for the guide and the boat and getting a free lunch – to get the…
Ujung Kulon: The Beach and the Moon
At the first shelter we had some hours to spend at the beach which we gladly did. Silently we sit there for hours, just watching the waves and the clouds passing by. It was silent at that beach, only the surf was to be heard. Inner peace comes upon you when you’re in such a…